RTO: 40796
LICENCE NO: 626 596 60S
  • RTO: 40796
  • LICENCE NO: 626 596 60S
Get Security License and Get to Work

Get Security License and Get to Work

Get Security License and Get to Work
Obtain Security Guard License with Armed Training
  • Guarantee You the Best Training in the Industry

    A well-established security guard training by current industry professionals

  • Offer You Top-Notch Role Plays and Practical Scenarios

    Offer top-notch role plays and practical scenarios to help you develop the skills

  • Become Proficient with Guest Speakers’ Guidance

    Become proficient and always one step ahead of perpetrators with guest speakers’ guidance

  • Full Assistance with Security License Application

    Get full support in every step of the way to obtain the security license

  • Pay Us in Installments

    Offering you the option to pay us in installments

To become a licensed security guard, you must take government-approved training. We know the best security guards who master the basics and build from a solid foundation. With our training, you will master the basics and also learn advanced techniques, how to handle challenging individuals and circumstances, and crisis management.

You will get able to find work quickly and effortlessly with our training. Our interactive course will teach you everything you need to know to prepare for and pass the course and the examination. Along with this, The Industry guests are there to share their experiences in Security Industry in Melbourne. You will get full support and assistance in the security license process and application.

The conduct of the test towards the end of each course is obligatory. Upon successful completion of the examination, students will receive a Certificate II in Security Operations (CPP20218) and a current Level II First Aid Certificate which is included in the Certificate II in Security Operations (CPP20218) course.

We welcome your queries, comments & suggestions

After completing their (CPP20218) training course students will be eligible to apply to LRD for the license categories of Unarmed Guard and Crowd Control. For additional license categories such as Armed Guard, Cash in Transit and Bodyguard students will be required to complete the Certificate III in Security Operations (CPP30411) plus the units specific to the license category they wish to apply for.

Our trainers provide up to date information and assist you to learn:

  • how to protect premises and property appropriately and effectively against a variety of natural and criminal threats
  • legal powers and boundaries to prevent detect or investigate crimes about a property and to control crowds
  • how to handle emergency circumstances such as fire, bomb threat, medical emergency, and natural flood, earthquake, etc.
  • communications and public relation e.g. what, where, and who to speak to maintain the reputation of an organization
  • report writing in any emergency services such as police or fire department throughout the course
  • ethics and conducts for the public interest, and to maintain privacy and confidentiality in their dealings.

Why Train with New Age Professionals Training Academy?

  • A well-established security guard training by current industry professionals will guarantee you the best training in the industry.
  • We will offer you top-notch role plays and practical scenarios that are designed to help you develop the skills you need to be a successful security guard in today’s world.
  • Our guest speakers are ready to share their experiences so that you become proficient and always one step ahead of perpetrators.
  • Plus, our instructors even guide and help you through the steps required to attain the security license and provide support every step of the way.
  • Certificate II in Security Operations (CPP20218) will be given at the end of the course.
  • We are now offering you the option to pay us in installments.

We welcome your queries, comments & suggestions.

Are you ready for our service?

Security Training Melbourne